To a great neighbor and his family

Title: Fly
Composer: Phil Galdston and Roland Romanelli
Words and Music: Jean Jacques Goldman

When I moved from the Chicago area to Scottsdale for the opening of the Nordstrom store here, I looked at houses near the store, and I found nothing that I liked, so one day the realtor brought me up farther north. When we got to the house that he wanted me to see, I fell in love with it! I was so happy! Not only did I like the house, but the neighbors next door were awesome! They did so many kind things for me. Every year, when it was time to trim the palm trees, they paid for mine too. Chuck enjoyed working with wood, so he fixed wooden things for Jimmy and me. His kindness was very much appreciated, and we have enjoyed many years as neighbors. Sadly Chuck just passed away, and they played music from my website for his memorial. Linda has a favorite piece that she asked me to play. It's "Fly" sung by Celine Dion. We are putting this out on the internet for you. Millions of blessings to each of you!

Fly, fly little wing
Fly beyond imagining
The softest cloud, the whitest dove
Upon the wind of heaven's love
Past the planets and the stars
Leave this lonely world of ours
Escape the sorrow and the pain
And fly again

Fly, fly precious one
Your endless journey has begun
Take your gentle happiness
Far too beautiful for this
Cross over to the other shore
There is peace forevermore
But hold this mem'ry bittersweet
Until we meet

Fly, fly do not fear
Don't waste a breath, don't shed a tear
Your heart is pure, your soul is free
Be on your way, don't wait for me
Above the universe you'll climb
On beyond the hands of time
The moon will rise, the sun will set
But I won't forget

Fly, fly little wing
Fly where only angels sing
Fly away, the time is right
Go now, find the light


Rugged Cross


A request from family as we cherish friends